Saturday, May 22, 2010

Day 283, Days of our lives...

Our day actually began last night....or rather, early this morning... around midnight. Ron and I had some uninvited visitors who donated to our year's supply of toilet paper. They got us pretty good, I must admit. So, there we were, pulling toilet paper out of our grass, bushes, and trees under the umbrella of a moonlit sky. Ah, how romantic ;)

We had a great visit with Jane, who, we discovered, loves to laugh at people in pain :) What a cutie.

Tonight, we attended Jesse and Brittney's wedding reception. How cool was that? They are such a cute couple....and so young!! The reception was really nice... and oh man... those cream-filled cupcakes were to die for. Eeh gads.... that won't help my weight loss program.

I'm such a whiner!

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