Sunday, June 13, 2010

Day 304, Whatever happened to baby Jane?

Today we baby sat Jane.... all day. It was awesome. She was so full of smiles....and so full of personality. AND,,, she snuggled :) I loved spending the day with her.

When I wasn't tending Jane, I was reading the last of the 3 books in the Poison Study series. Yeah, you guessed it. This makes want to work on my sequel ... in the worst way. At some point, I'm going to have to dive in and pull my characters back into action. Seems like they have rested long enough.

Cheated on my diet today..... I admit, I sort of did that because I was very frustrated that after a full week of watching every single calorie, denying myself the good stuff, and exercising,,,, I actually gained a pound. That sort of took the wind out of my sails.... but don't worry, I won't give up. I'll even do the RESET again if I have to..... but c'mon... .I mean really..... I am motivated when I see results. I expected at least one pound this week....that would keep me going.... two was my hope.... but .... it didn't happen. ... so I lost the fire today.

I'll get it back.

I have to.

Surely,,,, I'll see some results next week, right?

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