Monday, January 24, 2011

Day 426: That's My Boy!!

These are the kinds of things that make mom's cry. Here is my son--Elder Taylor Logan in a self-portrait. You know what? It actually looks like him :-) I bet if I were to search hard enough through his scapbook (that would imply that I am one of those really cool moms that keep scrapbooks for their you know this is purely a hypothetical statement,) I would find another drawing similar to this from when he was little tike, dreaming of serving a mission someday. This drawing, which I totally stole from his girlfriend's blog, seems to capture Taylor's personality. Man, I just love that kid!!


Ashley Jaeger said...

You're such a sweet mom! Someday I want you to read the letter's Taylor sent because just like you said, he writes in this "missionary perspective".
Great job for raising such an incredible son.

Mindy Morgan said...

I would love to read them. Hey... two weeks down. That's 2 weeks closer to when he comes home. Ha ha ha... he isn't even out of the MTC yet, and we are already counting his days. I suppose that's what moms and girlfriends are for, right?