Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Day 17, 348 to go

Did you know that stressed spelled backwards is desserts? I just discovered this in the e-mail that has been floating around for the Ya Ya Sisterhood. Go chocolate!! In honor of this new information, I ate two (yep, 2!) chocolate chip dough cookies. Raw eggs... mmmmbaby!

"Pressure and stress is the common cold of the psyche." Andrew Denton.
Perhaps there is no cure for the common cold---but chicken soup sure helps. Maybe that's the key for handling stress as well. Gotta try it sometime.

Planet "M" -- Can't wait to hear the 30 second commercials the kids are preparing for Friday. That's how they will introduce their M&M characters to the class. Ah, the year is off to a great start.


The Rejection Queen said...

I've heard from a lot of agents that writer's conference are not really worth the time or money. I've also heard from authors whom said they never attended one writers conference and still were able to get published. I'm not about to waste money...especially in this ecomony right now. It's a good way to learn and connect with other writers...but overall I think you could find a better way to spend your on stamps! lol

Anonymous said...

Hey I learned last night in my English class that Hemingway rewrote the ending to A Farewell to Arms 39 times to get it right:) And how about this one "There is no good writing, only rewriting." james thurber... I thought of you when I saw read these!! Sounds like school is full and fun! Good luck with all.. see you next summer:)

Mindy Morgan said...

Ahhh Judi, Judi, Judi... You are killing me!