Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Day 24, 341 to go

"Every charitable act is a stepping stone towards heaven." Henry Ward Beecher

I have witnessed such an outpouring of charity from so many women this past week. They are truly an amazement to me, and such an example of all I aspire to become. They know nothing of my neighbor and his wife, and yet they have bombarded my e-mail and phone with offers to bring in dinners, bring meals for the luncheon following the funeral, and offers to help set up and decorate for the same. There is no wordly recognition, thanks, or reward for their efforts. Yet to the family of Sue Brickey, these women are all nameless angels. Truly, their unselfish service is a modern miracle.

Planet "M" -- Today was our museum walk to view and assess the solar ovens. We also made predictions as to which ones would cook most efficiently. Kudos to the kids! This is the first year we didn't receive a large number of "parent-made" solar ovens. It is great to see the originality and ingenuity of our 6th graders. Looking forward to the big hot dog cook-off on Friday.

Please... don't let it rain :)

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