Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Day 183, Hump Day!

Whew-Hoooo!!!... I just crossed the half-way mark. Thank you Raechel... you get honorable mention for thinking my blog is actually cool. I love my fan base....of one :)

Can't post without telling you about the letter I received from a publisher today.....He actually took the time to write me a very lengthy letter explaining exactly why they passed on publishing my book. It was very thoughtful of him. In his letter, he indicated that he had to fight his chief editor to reject it because she loved my book. He also said it has the potential to be a great book. Those were his actual words. He gave me a boat-load of information and a ton to think about. Looks like I have my work cut out for me! Question is,,, can I do it? And when? I'm already so freakin busy and tired all the time. Sigh.

RAK? My dog pee'd on the carpet tonight... I did not smack his little hiney.....(although I wanted to).... Now if that don't count for something.....!!! Okay, I admit it, there were people in the house and I didn't want them to witness dog I guess I don't get to claim that as an RAK.
I visited the sick tonight... does that count? No, I would not have gone if someone hadn't set up the meeting for me... Dang it.
I'm taking 7 furlough days next year so 200 people can save their jobs.....C'mon, that HAS to count. Oh, alright,,,, that's not an RAK,,, that's an FAK---------forced act of kindness, (and you thought I was thinking something bad, didn't you?)
So, yeah, half a year later,,,,I'm no better at RAKs than I was when I started this blog. Is there a time when you just have to accept the fact that you are not a kind person? I've got 6 more months to get it right.

I'm sleepy.... but going to bed means getting out of my chair. That's always tough!

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