Thursday, February 11, 2010

Day 184, TGI Almost Friday

Been stewing over my book....mulling it over in my mind... over and over.... I'm not sure what I should do. That publisher gave me so much to think about. Yikes! And just when I thought..... it was safe to begin focusing on the sequel. Ah well. Onward and upward.

Today I was assistant principal again.... I have nothing to say about that.
Tomorrow is Friday....I have plenty to say about that ;) But then, you've heard it all before.

Survived spin class tonight.... and I'm getting better at it. It's always so nice when it's over.

Thought I'd escape my RAK confession..... but I would be ungrateful if I did not tell you that Patricia brought me homemade chicken soup and yogurt keep my strength up while I covered her desk. How thoughtful was that? Hers was a true RAK.

That's it. That's all I've got tonight.

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