Sunday, February 14, 2010

Day 187, Three Day Weekends Rock!

Can I just say that I think every weekend should be a 3-day weekend? Of course,,, I want to be paid for my extra day off...that goes without saying. Duh. Sunday nights are so cool when I know I have Monday off. It makes me happy.....and when I'm happy, let's face it, the world is a better place ;)

Gave my talk in church was a bit scatter-brained---sort of like my blog--- but oh well. It's done. I hate it when I don't have a good closing statement. This time, I had to rely on the Spirit to move me.....and it did....It moved me all over the place ;) Just call me "Meandering Mindy."

Ron came to church today to hear me speak. What a guy ;) He just keeps on racking up those RAKs! I can't keep up with him. Today my RAKs were very subtle and simple. I gave a warm hug to a couple of ladies who seemed down..... and I struck up a conversation with an elderly lady---and I actually gave her my undivided attention. That may seem like a no-brainer for the rest of the world, but for me, it requires effort.

Ron bar-b-que'd the most amazing New York steak tonight... It melted in my mouth! Yummmmmmy! And his Valentine's Day card was a top-10 winner. Yup,,, He's a keeper ;)

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