Saturday, February 20, 2010

Day 193, Breathless in Temecula

One minute 'till midnight..... One minute to go..... Why can't I breath? I'd really like to know! This cold and flu stuff is for the birds! Not to mention I'm going to get bed sores on my butt from laying and sitting so much. It seems that everytime I start to get into a routine of exercise, I come down with a cold. Now that's not fair, is it? Today I took DayQuil, hoping for relief without feeling drowsy. No dice. It put me in a coma for about four hours.

The most frustrating part of the whole day was that I figured as long as I was homebound, I could at least spend the day working on my book, but that didn't happen. I'm sort of at an empasse right now that has me frustrated. I'm half way through reworking the story, and I hit a road block. There is a huge transition problem between the first and second I have no clue how to bridge. I have appealed to the greater powers for inspiration....but I don't think it can wedge its way through the fog in my brain---too much cold medicine :) What I really need..... is for my daughter to read the doggone book---hello---everyone else on the planet has read it, why won't she? Okay... that's a bit of a hyperbole, but you get my point. I bet if a new Harry Potter book came out.... or if Stephenie Myer were to release Midnight Sun,,, she would be first in line for pre-sales,,, and would have the entire book read in less than 24 hours. Which leaves me to face a painful reality. Still, hers is the opinion I value the most, because she understands all the components of good writing, and has a knack for literary analysis. Ahhh weellll. Se la vi.

Have I ever mentioned how maddening it is to be sick on a 3-day weekend? I'm notorious for this. It's like my body knows just when to crack.

Here's something I did for fun today.... I spent about an hour downloading classical music from i-Tunes. Whoa baby... don't wanna see that bill! Good thing I received a reimbursement check in the mail today... I'm going to need it to offset my wild spending spree! Yup,,, my daughter definitely created a monster when she set me up with my i-Tunes account.... Just click and buy... click and buy.... click and buy.... It's so simple even a computer idiot like me can figure it out. I now have all the Hungarian Rhapsodies (Lizst) downloaded... some of them are like 14 minutes long, so syncing them to my i-Pod oughta prove interesting.

Time to summon the dream gods---maybe tonight they will build me a bridge ;)

RAK? C'mon... give me a break... I AM sick after all. Oh, here's one... I let the cat sleep in my lap during my coma... and I'm allergic to cat hair. [yeah yeah, never mind that I was cold and the cat made me warm.]

Do RAKs count if they aren't for a human?

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Wow. That's not manipulative AT ALL.