Saturday, April 3, 2010

Day 234, Super Saturday

You'll never guess who came to dinner!!! Actually it was dessert--yogurt to be exact. The Rejection Queen is sitting right next to me as I write. I have just started reading another one of her books, and I was hooked on PAGE ONE! Very cool :) We are sitting here making each other feel good about ourselves--because let's face it, somebody has to do it. We are heavily engrossed in book talk---something that drives our respective friends and family NUTS! Her book will be on the shelves next month... HOW FREAKIN COOL IS THAT?

Did you dye your Easter eggs yet?

Did you leave some carrots for Peter Cottontail?

Today was the day of visits---before the Rejection Queen came over, my best friend from high school came by with her family. That was very cool. She hasn't changed....she never changes---maybe she's immortal, eh? Eh? Eh!

Okay, can I just say my daughter... little sweet Elly Belly Water Melly.... has a freakin dirty mind!!!! Where did she get that? Duh, obviously from her father :)

RAK? I bought the Rejection Queen a yogurt... Okay, let's be real, it was free...she was my #11 out of 10. What can I say? I would have bought it either way, so I'm taking this one!

Got better things to do right now... so SEE YA!

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