Sunday, April 4, 2010

Day 235, Happy Easter

I went to bed at 5am this morning..... NOT because I was helping the Easter Bunny hide Easter eggs, but because I was reading the Rejection Queen's novel that will hit the shelves sometime in the next couple months. I could not stop reading.... and ended up reading the whole book in one night. That is a first for me! Although I was devestated by the ending, I loved the book and truly connected to and cared about her characters. Good job Jen!

Today I baked a cherry pie. Yep, you heard that right...and YUP, it was GOOD! We had a traditional ham dinner...small and intimate. I shared our dinner and the pie with my mom and dad... Can I call that my RAK for the day? Or would reading Jen's book in one sitting qualify as an RAK? Hmmmm.
It was a nice day... listened to conference, baked, and enjoyed my family---minus Ron, who I really miss. I REALLY miss him after reading that book last night. It made me want to hug him really bad. Sigh!

Busy day tomorrow. I'd complain, but I'm too tired :)

1 comment:

The Rejection Queen said...

YAY!!! I still can't believe you stayed up that late reading it LOL