Saturday, July 31, 2010

Day 351, Sniffle, sniffle

Thank goodness this week is over. It began in Maui and ended in Lake Elsinore. Is that poetic justice,,,, or just bad luck? If that wasn't bad enough, a couple people showed up sick, so guess who has a sore throat and stuffy nose? Eh hmm. Yah. I don't think that was very nice of those people, do you? Why,,,, do people insist on sharing their germs with others? One guy said to me, after he gave me a great big hello hug,,, "Man, I've been coughing my guts up for the past's been horrible." A big THANK YOU!!! to that fella. A warning BEFORE you hugged me would have been politically correct, don't you think? Remind me next time, and I will sneeze in your capuccino!
THEN, to end the week, one of the staff members came in this morning..could barely utter a sound...and informed me that she had spent the night coughing so hard she coughed up blood...and her throat hurt so bad she couldn't talk. Nice! It took us 30 minutes to convince her that she should go home. Why? We all try to be polite... We say, "You should be home, resting..." Or, "You should go see a doctor..." Or,,, "You are too need to take care of yourself so you can get well..." Yeah. What we are REALLY saying is, "Are you freaking kidding me? You showed up why? Because you insist on making sure we all get sick too? Are you S-T-UPID? What are you thinking? Stay the friggin heck away from me.... idiot!" Ah, but somewhere in the back of our pea-brains, we think that showing up to work when you're sick is noble....and shows strength of character. Blah blah blah! What it shows is that you care more about your reputation with your boss than you do the health and consideration of your colleagues. Guess that's survival of the fittest, right?

Well, this survivor is going to go drink some Nyquil and go to bed. Hopefully, I will wake up cured.


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