Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Day 395, Hold that thought...

Tomorrow I will tell you all about my day today---At the moment, my mind is jello. I spent the entire day (from 7am until 3) participating in Challenge Day at TVHS. It's an emotionally charged experience that totally drains you!Then I had dinner with a colleague---that's noteworthy as well. The rest of my night was spent preparing for tomorrow's video-tape lesson. I will feel much better after that is done. ... For better or worse, right? I hope this time my video lesson is a good one. The last one put me to sleep. Sadly, if I felt that way watching it, I can only imagine how the students felt having to participate in it. Aye aye aye!!! Every teacher should video themself about once a month for a year. It's surprising the things you discover about your teaching skills. It's also humbling---hopefully not humiliating :) Well, I will have a lot of opportunities to analyze myself this year---again---for better or worse!!


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