Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Day 195, NEW RULES

Yep... technically, this is day 196.... and post 195..... So I hereby declare some new rules.....
NEW RULE:  My blog is hereby amended to be 365 posts in 365 days.....and if I miss a day, then I can make it up....as long as I end up with 365/365 in the end.
NEW RULE:  RAKs suck! Well, that's a little harsh..... can I just say they are overrated? Okay,,, I'll keep the RAK goal in there,,, [Incidentally, I made cowboy stew for Ron yesterday while he was golfing....shhhh, cowboy stew is much easier than grandma's stew, so there might have been a tingsy wingsy little selfish motive tucked in there....but nobody has to know that.]
NEW RULE:  Every weekend is hereby declared a 3-day weekend. I'm going to run that rule by my boss today, just to make sure we are on the same page.

Since this is not part of my 3-day weekend, I better pull the lead out and get to work. More tonight..... I bet you can't wait!

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